Rio Grooming School offers enrollment year round. Once a student graduates that spot opens for a new student to start, therefore allowing enrollment all year round.
The cost of tuition for class attendance (436 hours) is $9,900.00, and an application fee of $100 is required. The (200 hour bather/brusher) “an introduction to basic groomers assistant” course is $4,950.00. A basic groomer tool kit which includes all the basic tools for pet grooming, text books & Supplies is provided at a cost of $2,700.00. Additional specialty tools are available, contact us for details. Students who order extra tools or premium tool kits will be required to make full payment for these items at the time the order is placed. Visa and MasterCard are accepted. The tool kit remains the property of the student. It contains the necessary hand tools with which to begin a career in professional pet grooming.
Equipment List
For the program, each student must have the full grooming kit, purchased from Rio Grooming School prior to the first day.
Download the PDF below for the full list.
Applying for a TFC student loan is easy – it only takes about 1 day to apply and get a credit result.
Estimated Rio Grooming School Student Loan Payment:
With only $4,950 down towards your tuition, your payment can be as low as $221.40 per month on a 2 year term.† Other terms and payments are also available, please call 651-480- 4726 for more information on payment options.
† Information valid as of 1/1/2025. We reserve the right to modify or discontinue products, services and benefits at any time without notice.
Enroll Today!
To Start Your Enrollment, Contact Rio Grooming School at 651-480-4726 or request information below.